I can tell that we’re going to be friends

Hay There Friends! Cookie here!

As you may know, I’m the youngest of the family….the baby if you will! Everything is so new and fun to me! You can’t believe all the beauty that I see when I take a walk in the pasture.

A good example is the other day. I was strolling in the back pasture, passing by my favorite tree and there she was! The cutest little bunny you have every seen! Since I wanted be polite, I said hello and introduced myself.

Her name is Buttercup, she told me, and she lives in the tall grass over by the watering hole. She lives there with her Mom and Dad and her four brothers and sisters.

Just like me, she loves to explore. I told her about the pasture and farmlife. We had such a good talk! I told her about my brother Dusty Button and how he loves to roll in the dirt and she said her brother Bill does the same thing!

We both love sunrises, taking walks, and long naps. I can tell we are going to be such good friends!

Glad you’re my friend too! Talk to you soon!


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Donkey Friends