It’s a Beautiful Day!

Hay there! Dusty Button here!

There are so many things I love to do in the morning. Check out the fence line, play with Itsy Bitsy, eat cookies……the list is endless! One of my favorite things has to be checking out the sunrise each morning. I tell you, friend, I have looked at many sunrises in my day and do you know what? Each and every one is different and beautiful.

Take today as an example. The clouds were really coming in….a sure sign of showers. Then all of a sudden the sun broke free of the clouds and everything around me turned beautiful and golden. Isn’t that awesome?

The sunrise reminds me that every day is a chance at a new beginning! And every day is special.

Hope you know that you are special too! We love you!

Your Friend,

Dusty Button

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Donkey Friends