Takin’ Care of Business!

Hay there Friend! It’s Blossom!

You know, every day is a new day on the pasture! Whether it’s checking out the water hole, repairing the barn, or touching base with the cows, there are thousands of things that we love to do!

We found the best way to make sure we are on top of our schedule is to have a daily meeting. Usually I lead the meeting because……well because I am in charge! Why am I in charge you ask? It’s not just because I’m the Momma (though that is important!). I am older and have been around the pasture a lot longer than Cookie and Dusty Button. Just don’t let them know! They think they are in charge!

Today, in our meeting Cookie & I both agreed that we should go to the back pasture and check out the fence line. We hadn’t checked it out since the last rain so it was a really good idea.

Dusty Button though wanted to stay close to the barn and wait for cookie treats! Dusty B does love his cookie treats!

After a quick discussion, Cookie & I decided that maybe Dusty B was right. And you know what? Was he ever! The cookies were extra delicious this morning! Isn’t that great? The beginning of a GREAT day!

Hope your day is great too!



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Donkey Friends